

Sustainable and


ABL-TECHNIC removes paint from coated workpieces worldwide and is committed to environmentally friendly business practices in accordance with German and international environmental regulations. With an environmental management system certified to DIN EN ISO 14001, we actively develop new, environmentally friendly processes. Our efforts are focused on sustainably reducing our ecological footprint.

Heat recovery

In the ABL-TECHNIC Group, we use effective heat recovery through pyrolysis ovens in our thermal systems worldwide. These reduce energy consumption, lower pollutant emissions and save costs, e.g. when heating process baths without additional energy input.

Handling water & waste water

We focus on sustainable water use and wastewater treatment to preserve natural water quality. Discover our methods for conserving resources and protecting the environment.

Chemical-physical treatment
Effective wastewater treatment: Chemical-physical treatment to remove pollutants and return clean waste water to the water cycle to support a contiuously high water quality.

Wastewater evaporation systems
Efficient wastewater treatment through condensation: Reduction of fresh water consumption by 90% and safe disposal of the pollutant concentrate by certified specialist companies.

Wastewater evaporation in pyrolysis ovens
Innovative wastewater treatment: Use of spray coolers for evaporation, deaeration of water vapor and disposal of remaining solids by certified companies.

Waste disposal

ABL-TECHNIC plans the environmentally friendly disposal of paint stripping media even before they are used. We minimize the use of poorly degradable chemicals in favour of environmentally friendly alternatives and thus meet global standards. Organic solvents are neutralized and disposed of in a pH-neutral manner, while contaminated solvents are recycled or disposed of.

Waste reduction

Our global network generates 50,000 tons of waste every year. We are committed to reducing waste and follow the seven Rs to minimize our environmental footprint


Rethinking is the first step to successfully reducing waste. Respect for the environment and a drive for innovation are part of our corporate culture at ABL-TECHNIC.


Avoiding waste by reducing disposable solutions. Sustainability is our priority at ABL-TECHNIC.


Less is more: We are working to continuously reduce the amount of waste we produce and conscientiously document the development.


We return all compostable waste to the biowaste cycle. The prerequisite for this is proper waste separation.


Sustainable reuse of recyclable materials: Process water is used several times, equipment is tested for durability.


Even if they have fulfilled their actual function, many items can be used again in a new role. The best example are single-sided printouts: the blank backs can still be used as a notepad.


Recycle right
At ABL-TECHNIC, we focus on efficient recycling by separating waste by type and returning it to the cycle.
With the introduction of the Resourcify waste management software, we are digitizing our waste management and working towards our 'Zero Waste' vision.

Reduction of compressed air leaks

Compressed air is important, but energy-intensive and expensive. We use it efficiently and avoid leaks in our systems for environmental protection and cost-effectiveness.

Chemo Gypsum: Innovative technology for sustainable disposal of acidic waste

Learn more about our success story with Chemo Gypsum, an innovative technology for the sustainable disposal of acidic waste. Contact us for more information on our sustainability projects.

For the sake of the environment

ABL group


Jochen Fickler
Head of F&E / Sustainability

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